They truly want to. Every client, friend and colleague is sincere in their intentions. The trouble erupts with the demanding, over-committed pattern of life in our present world. Even our growing number of retirees state their days are overly booked and the 'I'm so busy' proclamation is ever buzzing about. We are all so BUSY and meal management is seemingly impossible. We must figure out strategies around this and I have a few.
Everyone I know; well most everyone has a very serious desire to eat healthier.
They truly want to. Every client, friend and colleague is sincere in their intentions. The trouble erupts with the demanding, over-committed pattern of life in our present world. Even our growing number of retirees state their days are overly booked and the 'I'm so busy' proclamation is ever buzzing about. We are all so BUSY and meal management is seemingly impossible. We must figure out strategies around this and I have a few.