Wondering how some people seem to manage life without breaking a sweat?
They must be doing something special right!
“These Six ‘Oh So Simple’ tips are imperative.
You’ll feel better immediately by applying even just one of them.”
Simple and available to most all of us!
- BREATHE! Deeper. Breath Slower. Exhale Longer.
Pay more attention to how you are breathing and aim to inhale a belly deep breath then exhale fully before inhaling once again.
- Bring energy, calm and healing oxygenation to your entire body.
- Drink more water throughout the day (away from meals). This essential nutrient is sadly deficient in most and one of the easiest ways to enhance your health. Choose well sourced filtered, purified water and make it a mainstay in your everyday.
- Move More – in whatever manner you enjoy for any and all lengths of time.Find physical activities that move you! Be it dancing, recreational or competitive sports, martial arts, physical labor, etc. and make it a part of your everyday routine. Regularly spend ten minutes or several hours engaged in an activity you love. It will enhance your health no matter how long, intense, competitive or playful. Do it for fun.
- Eat more veggies. I mean lots more. Make veggies a part of each meal, even breakfast. Enjoy a ‘green’s powder in your water or juice. Include raw living veggies with every meal. Eat them raw and roasted, grilled, steamed, sautéed or baked. Season or marinate, dip them or don’t. Just eat em! Choose organics when possible. Visit www.ewg.org the ‘Clean 15 And The Dirty Dozen buyers guide.
- Love and Laugh more. Get to know what brings you joy, inspires love and laugher and do more of this. Lots more. Have fun and embrace sentimental emotions.
- Consult with a Coach, Every movie star, athlete, rock star, successful business entrepreneur, etc. has a coach helping them to accomplish their goals.<Engage a coach> to help you achieve your objectives and you will reap the rewards. For a minor investment you’ll earn major benefits.
Bonus Tips: Create Balance in Your Life.
An over packed agenda is a sure way to chronic stress and this can lead to heart disease. Nothing is more important than self care! Schedule time for this, daily!
“Most take better care of the things in their life than that which enables their life.
PS - Supplements can help augment your health and complement your healthy eating habits.
Learn more about the common nutrient deficiencies by reading this article and consider adding quality supplements to your regime. Some of my must haves (yours are unique to you) are: Vitamin D drops, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, Magnesium, Full spectrum Vitamin B as well as extra B12, Zinc, and Vitamin C powder and either Vitamineral Greens or Chlorella from HealthForce along with various supplements, probiotics, fermented foods and ginger, peppermint, fennel and ACV for digestive support. Other items are taken if/as needed.
Proactive health care and disease prevention is my mode.