with this easy-to-do modified downward dog yoga pose.
When chronic back pain plagues your life it's time to do something about it yourself.
Everyday you find yourself at the sink or counter and this is a perfect place and brace to reach back and stretch your torso. These five easy steps walk you through it with ease.
- Standing at the kitchen sink or bathroom counter place your hands on the sink or counter edge, shoulder width apart.
- Step back to stretch out to arms length, with your legs stacked over your ankles, hip distance apart and your back flat.
- Now press firmly into your hands while stretching your hips backward and allowing your torso to drop between your arms and lengthen your spine.
- Breath into the stretch you feel in your back, your gluts, your legs.
- Stay here for three or more rounds of breathing in and out slowly.
Do this daily noticing your posture, your breathing and a release of back pressure. Stick with it and you'll soon feel much better, look lighter and taller.