So, you have mastered in excuses, PhD’s in New Year's resolutions, and taken an Oscar for
your dramatic performance of vowing to commit to those drastic diet and fitness resolutions.
Still somehow, the rewards have yet to manifest your ideal state of health and wellness. Isn’t it
time to simply and without the Oscar winning drama on the ‘why is has not worked for you’
resolve to take another approach?
The Solution to sustained weight loss and improved health is not in the ‘oh so well intended and
so familiarly over ambitious, all too frequently short lived’ infamous resolution! Most fail
miserably with this approach and yet continue to repeat the same pattern year upon year
resolving that this time will be different. Does this sound familiar?
your dramatic performance of vowing to commit to those drastic diet and fitness resolutions.
Still somehow, the rewards have yet to manifest your ideal state of health and wellness. Isn’t it
time to simply and without the Oscar winning drama on the ‘why is has not worked for you’
resolve to take another approach?
The Solution to sustained weight loss and improved health is not in the ‘oh so well intended and
so familiarly over ambitious, all too frequently short lived’ infamous resolution! Most fail
miserably with this approach and yet continue to repeat the same pattern year upon year
resolving that this time will be different. Does this sound familiar?
Now please don’t get your muscles all flexed in defensiveness over this. I merely want to get
your attention and have you realize if what you are doing is not delivering you the results you
want it’s time to change your approach. Read on and find out where the key to sustained weight
loss really is, for most people are looking in the wrong place or continually attempting to achieve
different results doing the same things repeatedly.
Sustained weight loss is not simply ‘in your mouth and your movement’ or merely about what
you eat and how much you exercise. It begins in your mind and is nurtured or fed if you will,
within the very way you see yourself. There is not one of the miracle products or any of the fad
diets that will see you succeed until you decide you will. However, once this decision becomes
‘your truth - your knowing’ then most any diet will do. In fact once a person chooses a different
view of them self, when they can actually see it – see them self as that stronger, healthier and fit
person - the process is underway and results are sure to arrive.
To truly shift your perspective of yourself and begin the process of improved health, weight loss
and weight management some introspection is suggested. Ask yourself these questions:
Think of it like an architect with the ‘resolution’ to build a house. For this to happen, there must
be the clear and specific vision of what this house will look like. Specifics such as who is it
being built for and how will it be constructed must be established. Plans must be drawn,
supplies ordered and a crew scheduled. There must be a succinct plan and that plan must
clearly establish the step-by-step process in order to see the realization of this house.
For a person to succeed at weight loss, it is usually necessary to understand what their
relationship to food is and why weight gain has become an issue. In addition, it is necessary to
know that the weight loss can and will happen. That architect I mentioned earlier does not ‘try to
build a house’; they ‘know’ they will build it. With dieting and weight loss objectives, success is
realized when the desired weight loss (or whatever the intention may be such as improved
health, lower blood pressure, decreased body fat…) is simply that, ‘a knowing’. It is something
you believe to be true.
Decide this for yourself – make the intention for a healthier and happier you and begin to
consciously live your life one breath, one mouthful, one activity at a time. Create a mindful
knowing and a ‘clear as day’ visual of where you are going, how you want to be, what you will
do to get there and how it will feel. Live like you are already in this mode and make it your
reality. “As a man think’ith, so shall he be” – Napoleon Hill
your attention and have you realize if what you are doing is not delivering you the results you
want it’s time to change your approach. Read on and find out where the key to sustained weight
loss really is, for most people are looking in the wrong place or continually attempting to achieve
different results doing the same things repeatedly.
Sustained weight loss is not simply ‘in your mouth and your movement’ or merely about what
you eat and how much you exercise. It begins in your mind and is nurtured or fed if you will,
within the very way you see yourself. There is not one of the miracle products or any of the fad
diets that will see you succeed until you decide you will. However, once this decision becomes
‘your truth - your knowing’ then most any diet will do. In fact once a person chooses a different
view of them self, when they can actually see it – see them self as that stronger, healthier and fit
person - the process is underway and results are sure to arrive.
To truly shift your perspective of yourself and begin the process of improved health, weight loss
and weight management some introspection is suggested. Ask yourself these questions:
- Why do I want to lose weight?
- What do I feel this will do for me?
- Do I really believe I can succeed?
- What is it I need to do?
- Am I willing to do what it will take?
- How will I overcome the challenges
- and stick to the program?
- Where will I get support?
- What does success look and feel like to me?
Think of it like an architect with the ‘resolution’ to build a house. For this to happen, there must
be the clear and specific vision of what this house will look like. Specifics such as who is it
being built for and how will it be constructed must be established. Plans must be drawn,
supplies ordered and a crew scheduled. There must be a succinct plan and that plan must
clearly establish the step-by-step process in order to see the realization of this house.
For a person to succeed at weight loss, it is usually necessary to understand what their
relationship to food is and why weight gain has become an issue. In addition, it is necessary to
know that the weight loss can and will happen. That architect I mentioned earlier does not ‘try to
build a house’; they ‘know’ they will build it. With dieting and weight loss objectives, success is
realized when the desired weight loss (or whatever the intention may be such as improved
health, lower blood pressure, decreased body fat…) is simply that, ‘a knowing’. It is something
you believe to be true.
Decide this for yourself – make the intention for a healthier and happier you and begin to
consciously live your life one breath, one mouthful, one activity at a time. Create a mindful
knowing and a ‘clear as day’ visual of where you are going, how you want to be, what you will
do to get there and how it will feel. Live like you are already in this mode and make it your
reality. “As a man think’ith, so shall he be” – Napoleon Hill