What is most often overlooked is that there is no one-size-fits-all diet.
Your individual needs, including your gut health, lifestyle, energy demands, food access, cultural influences, cooking experience, economic status, the season and environment…these factors and more come into play. Still, fast fixes and quick results diet programs are sought after with fervor and there are a plethora of ‘experts’ happy to feed this need.
Sure, you may see some results and see them fast. Unfortunately, quickie results come with side effects and often are not sustainable or enjoyable. There is a better way and I suspect you already have a good hold on where you need to start and what you need to do to clean up your eating habits.
So, what’s tripping you up? Is it food or faith in yourself?
As a whole-self lifestyle wellness coach, clients regularly come to me looking for dietary help. They are struggling with health issues such as weight gain, energy depletion, sleep deprivation, heartburn, bloating, chronic pain, allergies, bloating, mood disorders, immune issues and malnourishment in numerous forms.
Addressing most symptoms is very doable with dietary and lifestyle adjustments, along with nutritional support yet its so important to determine the source of the issues. What is causing the health challenges and how can we handle it best?
In my practice, I have discovered those struggling with ongoing fruitless efforts to lose weight often share one common issue. They doubt their success. This is a sure way to fail. When it comes to our goals and objectives, we need to mind our mind, our thoughts and our self talk. More than food, what we consume most is our beliefs and our mindset. The thoughts we think close to 24/7 are the first form of nourishment to nurture and nurture well.
Ever so important in the diet and nutrition world is, nourishment of your consciousness and faith in self!
You know you will feel better if you take better care of yourself.
If you eat better, drink more water, move more; ensure you get the sleep you need, take time for more fun, find meaning in the things you do, etc.
My suspicion…
Developing healthy everyday habits that beget you the optimal state of well-being you long for involve solutions you are well aware. Still, somehow actually doing this alludes you.
Why is this? Well, it’s a most important question to dig into.
What I’ve learned in coaching clients for decades is… Whole-self wellness begins within?
One meal does not a diet make or break a diet and results from a two week or two month long diet won’t last a lifetime. Healthier eating is a lifelong practice.
It begins with conscious wellness practice and consistency.
Start with conscious awareness of your thoughts, your beliefs, intentions, and programming! Then reflect on your behaviors, words, actions and the congruency or contradiction of your health objectives and intentions. Stay consistent with this practice for your thoughts, self talk and daily practices need to align with your health desires.
Over the years, all kinds of clients and audiences all over the world shared a common indicator of their success or failure. Yes, you guessed right. It was directly related to the beliefs and the thoughts they harbored. This one aspect - their imprinted beliefs and behaviors set them up for failure or success every time.
“As you think, so shall you be.” – Napoleon Hill
Science has come a long way in confirming the power of thoughts are like a magnet attracting to us, the object of those thoughts. To get back on track with a healthy lifestyle that enables sustained weight loss start seeing yourself healthier and thinner. Map out what you need to do and start doing it. Even one healthier practice daily can deliver results and results are motivating. They will help you to stay on track.
Below are a few easy to implement practices to get you started.
Tell yourself this… “These steps are so easy to implement and stick with!”
over and over and over. Believe yourself and watch and see what happens.
- Plan your meals in advance. You know you need to eat so have a plan, know what you will have for your three main meals as well as healthy snacks and beverages.
- Ensure each meal is balanced and includes lots of vegetables, a source of unprocessed protein and quality, whole-food carbs. Refer to my plate for a visual guide.
- Eat the bulk of your calories in 3 balanced meals earlier in the day so come bedtime you aren’t in full digesting mode. This is sure to disrupt your sleep and your body’s rest and restore time.
- Aim to drink one half your bodyweight in ounces of pure water each day. I know you know this, now find a way to do it. Begin with an extra glass or two a day until you have worked your way to your target.
- Keep your approach simple so you can stick with it. Make it enjoyable with a focus on how much better you will feel with less weight to haul around.
Taking better care of yourself begins with sincere desire as well as faith in yourself.
Then transition to your healthier habits gradually and keep in mind,
your mindset matters most. Nurture a positive, faith and success focused mindset day and night, night and day and do what you know you need to do for you. The payoff is sweet.
Teri Gentes
Whole-self lifestyle wellness, has long been the main focus of Teri's work along with relishing in a love - love relationship with food and aging with grace, ability, agility and flexibility. As a textbook Libra, balance is an innate attribute of hers and it is apparent in her life in most every way. She'll tell you straight up, find an approach to healthier living you can live with. Not hers or anyone else's - your dietary approach is all about you. Embrace it.