There is a conversation your body is having with you and it's begging for your attention.
It shows up in the form of numerous symptoms. The more severe the symptoms, the more imperative it is for you to take action. It can be anything from aches and pains, acne, eczema, dry, flaky skin, brittle nails, coarse hair, numbness, muscle cramping, eyesight issues, and more.
Cleaning up your diet and supporting your healing with supplements are super ways to augment your overall health.
Even with healthy eating habits most of us deal with some nutrient deficiencies. In addition, life circumstances such as periods of added stress and seasonal changes impact our nutritional needs. Testing for nutrient deficiencies is a great way to determine if you are lacking in essential nutrients yet even before going this route, tune in to symptoms you are dealing with right now. Your body is quite likely giving you the information needed. With nutrient deficiencies, come a myriad of symptoms.
Below is a look at just some of the symptoms related to the most common deficiencies.
If you are struggling with nagging symptoms rather than simply treating the conditions, get to the cause and overcome them by giving your body the nutrients it needs for repair and healing.
Omega 3’s – dry/itchy/scaly skin, eczema, lowered immunity, cracking fingertips/skin
Vitamin A – night/color blindness, macular degeneration, dry skin/hair, nail ridges, acne
Vitamin B12 – nerve challenges, numbness/tingling in hands/feet, brain fog, dementia
Biotin – skin, nail and hair issues, fungal infection, anemia, numbness in extremities
Calcium – muscle cramps, brittle nails, memory loss, depression, fractures, psoriasis
Vitamin C – infection, gingivitis, dry hair/skin, easily bruising, slow healing, nosebleeds
Vitamin D – depression, osteoporosis, weak immune, muscle weakness, obesity
Vitamin E – eye problems (cataracts/retinopathy), liver, fertility issues, skin problems
Folate – fatigue, high homocysteine levels, irritability, forgetfulness, headaches, anemia
Iodine – dry skin, weight gain, low thyroid levels, temperature sensitivity, fatigue, goiter
Iron – fatigue, weakness, neuro-development issues in children
Magnesium – muscle cramping and spasms, sleep disorders, restless legs, anxiety
Zinc – lower immunity, coarse/brittle hair, eczema, dandruff, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, tics
Nutritional deficiencies are extremely common and can be detrimental to your health.
Take some time to assess symptoms you are frequently dealing with. When you’re deficient in essential nutrients, your body isn’t able to function well and you are far more vulnerable to disease and injury.
This all said, I get the list above may seem daunting.
What I tell my clients is to zoom in on some foundational nutrients that are common deficiencies for most. Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc fall in this category and are particularly important as most of us head into the winter season - also known as the cold and flu season.
Keep your immune system stoked with this trifecta of nutrients! I've included links to some of my favorites in the list above. Liquid and powder supplements are my first choice along with veggie capsules for the easiest bio-availability. Keep in mind a whole-food, plant strong diet is integral to your health along with supplement support. Food quality isn't what it once was before the industrialization of agriculture. This is where supplements come in. In addition you can take even more action with the Healthy Eating Hacks list below.
A few of my Healthy Eating Hacks include:
- Growing your own food and/or collaborating with local co-op farmers
- Buying local and in-season when you can, (freeze for off-season consumption)
- Choosing organic, or bio-dynamic farmed foods,
- Consuming food as close to mother nature as possible (meaning eat less processed foods!)
- Learning more about Permaculture farming and implementing this practice.
Your take-aways:
Keep in mind, first and foremost, eating high quality farmed food is essential to health.
In conjunction with this, utilizing dietary support with supplements is your path to cultivating your optimal health and well-being. Start somewhere and start today! Stick with it and pay close attention to subtle changes as the weeks pass, You will soon realize the healing powers you have in your own body when you give it the essential nutrients it needs.
By far, this is your most powerful path to living life full of life and vitality. It is my wish for you.
Teri Gentes
Book a personal session with Teri for guidance addressing your health and wellness issues and get on track for optimal weight as well as health and disease prevention.