Maybe you get this and do your best to make great choices. If you're here reading my blog chances are you do just that. Power on!
As I work on the final details for my canfitpro
Rocking Recipes to Beat Chronic Pain workshop its so perfectly apropos to see an email arrive from Consumers Report on the power of food in overcoming inflammation.
This straight from the article:
"The foods we eat don’t just have an impact on our health because they affect weight, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure. Certain foods can also promote or suppress chronic inflammation—which researchers are increasingly recognizing as an underlying cause of many health problems."
"Researchers followed more than 200,000 men and women for up to 32 years. Those who had the most pro-inflammatory diets had a 46 percent increased risk of heart disease and a 28 percent increased risk of stroke compared with those who had the most anti-inflammatory diets."

There is amazing power in food! It can fan a fire or fuel it!
Chronic Inflammation is the focus of this post
This systemic condition sets in when the healing process is incomplete due to repeated exposure to the inflammatory trigger. As in daily chronic stress and yes, your daily diet.
Our body’s immune response may produce an excess of inflammatory chemicals to the foods we eat. Even foods perceived as good for us.
The standard western world diet is typically imbalanced and overproduces inflammatory chemicals while at the same time blocking production of necessary anti-inflammatory chemicals.
Conditions related to inflammation are extensive!
Arthritis, gastritis, colitis, dermatitis, cystitis, neuritis, bursitis are all common inflammatory conditions related to systemic inflammation.
Heart diseases - coronary artery diseases are considered directly associated with inflammation and its regarded to be a more important risk factor for heart disease than high cholesterol levels.
Cancer is triggered by inflammation as is...
obesity, dementia, migraines, digestive challenges, Alzheimer’s disease all involve inflammation. Infections, hives, allergic reactions, asthma, diabetes, psoriasis, IBS and all such auto immune diseases involve inflammation.
Pay attention to how you feel after eating. Food is meant to re-energize and replenish you, leaving you feeling satiated and nourished. If you’re not feeling this way after eating, this may be indication your food choices are not currently suitable for you.
My clients are coached to keep a food/feeling journal for a few weeks paying close attention to the impact of the food eaten and any symptoms experienced.
With this information I help them identify foods that that appear to trigger pain, indigestion, bloating, swelling, joint issues, difficulty losing weight, etc.
This enables us to determine what dietary approach helps them overcome the inflammation that triggers chronic pain and can lead to disease.
If you are looking to learn more ask me about this workshop...
Click this link for all the details
In addition, watch for the anti-inflammatory book of the same name coming soon in collaboration with Laura Warf of the Mend My Back Program. We are close to wrapping up the final edits and hope to have the book out by January 2021.
Meantime understand your diet plays an immense role in disease prevention and or disease triggers! This makes it essential to ensure you eat according to your own dietary needs related to your current state of health rather than following specific diet trends or recommendations by those unfamiliar with your individual health needs and body chemistry.
A very basic place to begin:
Eliminate the top Pro-inflammatory foods such as:
- sugar and high fructose corn syrup
- trans-fatty acids: fried foods, red meats, processed/deli meats
- excess omega 6 fatty acids: vegetable and seed oils
- processed foods - highly refined carbohydrates
- top food allergens: daily, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, shellfish, tree-nuts, alcohol
- dark leafy greens, including kale and spinach
- blueberries, blackberries, pineapple and cherries
- dark red grapes, pineapple, papaya
- nutrition-dense vegetables- broccoli, cauliflower, Bok Choy, cabbage
- beans and lentils
- green tea
- avocado and coconut
- olives, garlic, onions, leeks, wild mushrooms
- extra virgin olive oil, chia, walnut, hemp, flax oil
- walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, and almonds
- cold water wild fish, including salmon and sardines
- spices and herbs like: turmeric, ginger, oregano, cayenne, basil, Bay leaves, cloves, sage, rosemary, marjoram, cinnamon
If you are dealing with chronic inflammation issues consult with a health practitioner and nutritionist for more support and guidance. This can help you to avoid more serious health complications.
For a deeper dive into Eating to Beat Chronic Inflammation check out the e-book check out the new E-book Easy Recipes to Tame Inflammation