Love Bites - yes this is what I call them for they are sure to inspire a romantic affair with you too if you have any inclination to lean in to chocolate. If so watch out for it could be love at first bite. (I will warn you now - lots of corny clichés here - I have yet to have my daily fix of chocolate.
One of the most amazing aspects of chocolate that you may now know is that...

Quality chocolate that is, not the highly refined, sugary bars you may have enjoyed as a kid. (Oh yes I sure did too way back in the day). No, no,no, now it must be good chocolate.
Yes, yes, I am a chocolate snob. I only want really good chocolate. Tall, dark and handsome chocolate. Rich too. It's gotta be rich with a high percentage of cacao and I so enjoy it a little sassy, salty, and even spicy sometimes.
Dare I say a little bitter is great too.
Now you may love chocolate simply because it tastes amazing or because it’s so abundant in healthful properties or because high quality chocolate isn’t as caloric as its sugar-laden wanna-be versions are. Oh yes, great news right!
Maybe you crave it for the magnesium and maybe, just maybe it’s because it’s a known aphrodisiac. Whatever the reason I join you in this love affair and am very discerning about what kind of chocolate I choose and use in my creations. Thankfully I have great access to premium chocolate including the Love Chock and Rawmio bars and butters I get from my sponsor Raw Elements.
In my world, chocolate must be dark, organic, premium quality chocolate and I do sure enjoy raw cacao beans or cacao nibs. Bitter sweet tastes are best for my palate yet these Love Bites come in a touch sweeter due to the dates. Marrying a date with chocolate is my not-so-subtle attempt to imprint that pairing for it is reputed that chocolate has an aphrodisiac affect upon our hormones.
Are you taking someone out on a date? Buy them some really great chocolate or better still make these Love Bites for them. They are easy to make and you’re sure to impress. Let me know how you make out. (Ha, Ha, Ha). OK I’m just a bit corny. My apologies.
Find the recipe here