For decades we’ve obsessed over the perceived holy-macro trinity of Proteins, Fats, and Carbs and we’ve overlooked essential Micro nutrients.
This is shown to be detrimental to our overall health and well-being.
In this article we zoom in on:
- The RDA for Micro-nutrients
- Common micro nutrient deficiencies as identified by Stats Canada
- The vast array of related symptoms - your body is talking to you!
Family and friends, clients and colleagues tell me most all the time... "I eat pretty good".
Often I hear... "I eat better than most." Upon closer inspection it can be surprising how 'off' this belief is when looking at the chronic symptoms they live with.
What if your health and weight loss challenges were not simply about what and how much you’re eating? What if there is more to it than this?
Building a healthy body is much more detailed than food intake and the many interpretations of a ‘healthy diet’.
Numerous factors impact the nutrients our body actually gets including:
- our food choices and variety,
- the food quality,
- the state of our digestion and absorption health and
- the bio-availability/synergy of what and how we are ingesting our foods.
One of the first places to learn of the essentials your body requires is with the RDA’s recommended by Health Canada. It’s also extremely helpful to know what the most common dietary deficiencies are and the related symptoms
Your body is another ideal resource for helping you discern your current health status and what nutrients you may need more of. Symptoms you experience are often related to specific nutrient deficiencies and act as cues you may be in need of a diet overhaul and possibly nutrition supplementation.
Before we look at deficiencies let’s look at the RDA’s recommended by Health Canada
The chart below is a helpful resource for determining what you require on a daily basis.

The most Common dietary deficiencies:
• omega 3 fatty acids • iodine • vitamin B 12 • biotin
• vitamin D • magnesium • vitamin C • vitamin A
• zinc • protein • folate • fiber
• calcium • probiotics • iron • vitamin E
Each of us has varying, bio-individual nutrient needs. The above reflects the most common deficiencies according to various resources. While there are others such as B 3 and 6, Selenium, Vitamin K… those listed are shown to be the most prevalent micro- nutrient deficiencies.
Note: The lighter grey shaded areas are not discussed in this article.
The point to grasp here is how your entire body requires these essential nutrients to function well. When deprived of them numerous health repercussions may result.
We may experience symptoms with energy levels, appetite, strength, endurance, mood, hormonal imbalance, respiratory health etc. More on this further in this article.
Now let’s look at the most common Deficiencies as identified by Health Canada
The first chart is deficiencies in CAD Females, the one below CAD Males:
Testing for deficiencies is a great way to determine if you are lacking in essential nutrients yet even before this your body is quite likely giving you the information needed. With nutrient deficiencies come symptoms. Below is a look at just some of the symptoms related to the most common deficiencies as mentioned in the list above.
Omega 3’s – dry/itchy/scaly skin, eczema, lowered immunity, cracking fingertips/skin
Vitamin A – night/color blindness, macular degeneration, dry skin/hair, nail ridges, acne
Vitamin B12 – nerve challenges, numbness/tingling in hands/feet, brain fog, dementia
Biotin – skin, nail and hair issues, fungal infection, anemia, numbness in extremities
Calcium – muscle cramps, brittle nails, memory loss, depression, fractures, psoriasis
Vitamin C – gingivitis, dry hair/skin, easily bruised, slow healing, nosebleeds, infection
Vitamin D – depression, osteoporosis, weak immune, muscle weakness, obesity
Vitamin E – eye problems (cataracts/retinopathy), liver, fertility issues, skin problems
Folate – fatigue, high homocysteine levels, irritability, forgetfulness, headaches, anemia
Iodine – dry skin, weight gain, low thyroid levels, temperature sensitivity, fatigue, goiter
Iron – fatigue, weakness, neuro-development issues in children
Magnesium – muscle cramping and spasms, sleep disorders, restless legs, anxiety
Zinc – lower immunity, coarse/brittle hair, eczema, dandruff, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, tics
Now that you know how common nutritional deficiencies are and how detrimental it can be to your health, take some time to assess symptoms you are frequently dealing with.
When you’re deficient in essential nutrients, your body isn’t able to function well.
Book a personal session with Teri for guidance addressing your health and wellness issues and get on track for optimal weight as well as health and disease prevention.
Recommended amounts of nutrients (the daily value) for specific age groups
Prevalence of inadequacy for nutrients with an Estimated Average Requirement
Elson Hass – Staying Healthy with Nutrition
Check out Worlds Healthiest Foods to find great food sources of macro and micro nutrients.
Teri Gentes, a long-time whole-self wellness coach, international speaker and plant-strong foodie, ever aspires to inspire healthy every-day lifestyles for life. Find her on the circuit teaching wellness workshops, on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter and offering plant-strong wellness programs year-round.
Visit for contact information and more lifestyle wellness info