The conversation within!
Questions to provoke you into a paradigm shift and behavioral change!
What would you say to someone who speaks to themselves the way you speak to yourself? What would you say to someone who speaks to you the way you speak to yourself?
Have you ever really contemplated this? I mean really taken time and reflected on the conversation you carry on with yourself? Once you do ask yourself this.. Is it something I’d repeat out loud? Would I let any one of my loved ones say this to me? With mindfulness and meditation initiatives ever on the rise let's take a good look at self-talk.
If we have such harsh judgement of ourselves it is most likely we will be the same with others. A quick scan around daily happenings here on planet earth and it is painfully obvious we have very little tolerance for so many things. Compassion is hard to come by when we have so little for our own selves.
Does this hard judgement, belittling and self-condemning do us much good? Do you feel it consistently motivates or instigates you to face your believed short comings and do something to overcome them?
In all my encounters with clients and yes, myself included, I know it is not effective in any way. Now, consider if something isn’t bringing out the best in us, why in the world we would continue to subject ourselves to it!
Everyone I know always states they aspire to greater things. They long to help others; make this world a better place; be the best version of themselves they can possibly be and yet here we are with most of the conversation we have with ourselves being the very challenge we state we long to ‘fix’.
Many wise sages such as Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Margaret Mead have advised us that all change begins in your own home and we must Be the change we wish to see.
My suggestion:
Observe your constant, chronic conversation – the one in your head and possibly the one coming out of your mouth. Journal it even then go back and look at it asking yourself…
Is it going to help me be my best, aid and inspire others, make this world a better place?
For us to do better on this planet we need to do better with our own thinking and in turn our speaking and our doing. Imagine if each and every one of us did this. The world may not need fixing anymore or at the very least – the task would be so much easier don’t you think?
I write that previous line as a real question not rhetorical. I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings on this. Conversation is where change can begin and the one in our head is a great place to start.