Fabulous if so yet we all know, great intentions are only truly great with actual actions and consistent follow-through. Impressive, 'results delivering resolutions' need to be paired with daily, doable solutions that side-step whatever interfered with being/doing our best in the first place.
Those interferences could be as seemingly benign as thoughts like...
I'll do cuz 'it's good for me'. (Not always the best incentive if there is even the tiniest sense of sacrifice or deprivation.).
This year, resolve to focus on more self-honoring and self-care!
- More digging into what it is that gets you excited enough to take actions that beget results.
- More mapping what those approaches and actions are and when, how, where, you will do it.
- Implement more actual application-with-conviction cuz you know this is your 'you' time and it feels awesome to invest in yourself.
Also proven, one of the best ways to stay on track with your 'healthy you' resolutions is to be accountable to someone else and align with health buddies or even better, a community of others with aligned resolutions like this one - HEALTHY LIVING for LIFE.
We meet virtually once a week over dinner to discuss our personal stumbles and success' and share how self-care really feels leaving with strategies to stay on track and imprint self-care practices into our daily regime for life.
Click here for more info.
Join with a friend and benefit from our New Years Incentive:
Your own copies of the EAT TO BEAT INFLAMMATION e-book