"Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul, which have been restored and brought to light in this age, none is more gladdening or fruitful of divine promise and confidence than this - that you are the master of your own thought, the molder of your character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment and destiny."
- James Allen
Our thoughts! More powerful than we may realize and yet such a given
(we often live in our heads), we may not give them the attention they deserve or select them with more conscious care.
Oh to grasp, we are not our thoughts - we are the thinker of thoughts.
At any point in time we can choose new thoughts for these very thoughts are what pave our path to what we'll experience tomorrow. When you mind your mind, you have the ability to mine wonder in your life.
This state of internal overwhelm is usually coupled with a statement such as
"I am so stressed." This is a proclamation to the universe. You may not realize it yet uttering this is akin to planting seeds and yes, we really do 'reap what we sow. As a result, we feel this constant pressure of too much to do with too little time to do it.
If we are really serious about creating calm in our life we need to reprogram our mind and mind our words.
Ever notice when you're in love suddenly you're hearing love songs play everywhere you go. If you've just bought a brand new, fully loaded truck with all the added features you may find yourself noticing all the other new trucks out there.
You google information on travel to Europe and now you are getting all kinds of information and travel offers. (OK that last one is manipulated advertising, and algorithm tracking yet the other examples are the law of attraction in action.)
Thoughts are powerful energy waves as well as instant chemical responses in your body. We now know, minding our mind is one of the most powerful practices we can implement if we want to see our life improve.
Here are Teri's Top Six Ways to Manage your Mind
and minimize your stress, anxiety and major obstacles.
- Quiet your mind and set your sights on the ideal ‘you’, you want to see and be.
- Get a crystal clear image of and imagine how it feels - the energy, confidence, the joy, the excitement, that you feel in this optimal state.
- Keep this image and feeling with you, Keep it alive!
- Frequently, throughout each day revisit this same practice and once again before bedtime programing your subconscious mind before you go to sleep.
- In the morning as you are just awakening repeat this practice. Your brain is in a perfect state to begin reprogramming old ways and habits.
- Do this every morning and night and your subconscious will respond.
When you make self-care a non-negotiable practice in your life, regularly attending to minding your mind and recreating healthy thinking, speaking and doing you will see your life experience change completely. Most important is to begin now!
If you are looking to dive in deeper and learn more about cultivating calm and well-being into your life, join me for my Cultivating and Optimal Mindset for Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-being workshop Dec 13th with PNW Fit Con
If you missed this workshop reach out to book Teri for your own session(s) or host a workshop or wellness program for your community or corporation.