It's a self-care focus of tuning in to your own body, listening/assessing and discerning what the many symptoms, (aka messages) it's giving you, relate to.
There is a cause, a source health challenges generate from and addressing this, and dealing with it, allows for true healing.
Merely treating symptoms, is not the path to true healing.
In my experience, clients, family, friends most often head to their health care professional for treatment / answers, before tuning to their own innate wisdom.
Our bodies have amazing healing capacity when we provide the right environment.
This includes aspects such as:
- a whole-foods, balanced, plant dominant diet and eating in relaxed environment
- adequate, regular hydration of pure, filtered water
- regular movement, every day for physical, mental and emotional well-being (Exercise is shown to be one of the most powerful ways to reduce stress)
- implementing good sleep hygiene allowing the body time for rest and repair
- community connection that allows space for friendships, support, play...
- a purpose and sense of contribution
- time in nature both for solitude and stillness as well as activity/recreation
- connection / faith in something grander than us for inspiration, mental and emotional wellness
- creative expression and self worthiness / self honoring.
Where are you falling short?
Begin to incorporate more self-care practices in your life that address this.
Start wherever you sense you need to.
Tap into family, friends, groups that inspire you for healthier living. Embrace the many natural offerings from Mother Nature. Especially with antibiotics when all to often administered repeatedly before doing the above. Excess rounds of use can compromise efficacy for severe situations when you really may need such support.
(See the great infographic below with natural antibiotics)
The investment you make in your own health care is truly one of the very best investments you can make. Once you give it a go - this becomes wonderfully apparent.
If you've experienced this... gone from self-neglect to consistent self-care please share your story and inspire others. There is magic in doing this and the old saying ...
"We teach best, what we must learn most." has long proven true for me.
Imagine how much healthier our nation will be as more and more people take ownership of their health and implement daily, self care practices.
It's an image I stay focused on.
Blessings your way, always, and all ways.
Teri Gentes - A whole-self-health nerd in every way. I embrace it.